Shaving Tips: Acne-Prone Skin
Wondering how to shave with acne? Shaving with acne can be difficult, but the following tips will help you get a close, smooth shave, no matter what shape your skin is in.
How to Shave With Acne
Having the right tools to get the best shave when you have acne is very important. Here’s what you’ll need:
1. Sensitive Skin Cleanser – Reco Skinguard Face wash/Labs face wash
2. Light Moisturizer – Skinguard moisturizer
3. Sensitive Skin/acne prone shaving cream – Skinguard shave gel/Labs shave gel
4. Sensitive skin/acne prone Multiblade Razor – Skinguard Razor
Before you shave:
Wash & Hydrate Skin & Neck: A face wash/scrub will warm, deep clean and help soften facial hair before you shave. We recommend the Skinguard face wash as it cleanses the dead skin cells and bacteria from your face.
You can also warm a washcloth and leave it on your face for a few minutes to soften hair & skin.
While Shaving:
Apply Shave Gel: Choose a shave gel designed to remove dirt & oil. We recommend the skinguard shave gel. Apply generously to your face as this will help lubricate your shave enabling the razor to glide easily over your skin.
Shave in whatever direction is most comfortable for you, facial hair does not grow in one direction, so shaving against the grain is inevitable.
The guard in the skinguard razor will help ensure the razor does not shave below skin level which reduces irritation. It also helps to reduce the occurrence of ingrown hairs and razor bumps.
Use light force while shaving as the razor is designed to do all the work for you.
After Shaving:
After shaving, wash your face with warm water, then use the skinguard skin restoring moisturizer to finish up your shave.

The regimen to help prevent new razor bumps, shaving irritation, and ingrown hairs.